The Best Keto Diet Foods To Get At Whole Foods

11-Doctor In The Kitchen Flackers : Organic Flax Seed Crackers

They are perfect for when you are looking for a snack before lunch, the cookies are made on flax seeds, they are tasty and they combine perfectly with cheese or any cold meat.


But are crackers part of the keto diet? Yes, these flax seed cookies contain 1 gram of carbohydrates for every six cookies. They are also high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, so they are safe for you.

12-Organic Valley Stringles Organic Cheddar Cheese

This cheese contains high levels of protein and fat, this cheese has a good flavor and is low in carbohydrates. It’s a perfect snack to add to your keto diet list, pairs well with some high-fiber veggies and low-carb fruits, especially tomatoes and bell peppers.