Chefs Essentials : 14 Cookie Decorating Hacks


Sublime Swan Cookies

This one will take a bit of imaginative foresight, but it’s going to be a unique shape for a cookie you can offer. Using a roll of sugar cookie dough, a slice of about a third of an inch depth cut, lay it flat on the table. With a fine knife, slice away the top third.

Then make a small incision as if you were going to cut off the whole quarter of an inch, but don’t quite cut to the end, leaving one side slightly attached.

Next, along the bottom half on the right side, make two more slightly space short partial cuts, leaving the form intact otherwise.

Now the tricky part: the piece you almost sliced off the top, start rolling it to the left side of the cookie, bending it into a still attached but inverted C-looking formation. Very slightly spread the small incisions apart, and you will be looking at a cookie version of a swan. 

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